Thursday, September 8, 2011

This picture is immaculate! It really utilizes the reflection of the water and is an example of nature at its best. I enjoyed the peaks of light poking out of the clouds as the sun is setting. This picture was taken in Waikawa Bay in New Zealand.


  1. I like how the water acts as a mirror to the sky and clouds

  2. Yes, I also agree that this photo is one of nature's best. I enjoy the blues and whites. Makes me want to fly over the water!

  3. i like how it is flipped one is in the water and the other is not almost like a mirror.

  4. I enjoy that the sunlight is just peering through the clouds and makes this whole scene an amazing sight to see.

  5. It looks like a purposely pixilized photo.

  6. i really love this photo. i always enjoy watching a sunset, especially if its near a body of water, because that way it is like you are getting twice the amount of beauty from the natural way the water acts like a mirror.

  7. I love this photo its as if you are being pulled towards the land.
